Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

Well I didn't get to post any new flowers last week....busy busy. First I would like to say thank you to everyone that posted a comment on my last post. That was the most comments I have had since I started blogging. I enjoyed seeing everyones new flowers....this One Flower Wednesday is fun. I may not get to post every Wednesday but I will do my best to get a few done each month. I didn't know how much the hexies were going to be addicting. I have been digging through all my leftover scraps to find more colors for more flowers. When I go to the quilt shop now I am even looking for fabric to be used in some flowers....I tell you again it is very addicting and relaxing.

I like the pink colors but I have a abundance of them in my stash because I had made a pink quilt for my youngest daughter. I will use some of them but I don't want to have to many pinks.
I had this peach and blue scraps for awhile now so it's good to be able to use them up.
Happy One Flower Wednesday to everyone.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

Ok I have never really joined a sew along kind of thing here on the blogs.....but I am going to give this one a try. I like to sometimes have things to work on while I watch tv...which I do to much of anyway. I have sewed my yo yos a few times....but I get tired of them and you can have so many yo yos. I went to my favorite quilt shop the other day and they were putting a quilt up on the quilting machine that had been hand was a Wedding Ring quilt. The lady that made it had hand sewn it.....she always does such great work be it either by machine or hand. I have always said I wouldn't do a quilt by hand because I know it would take me the rest of my life to finish it...(OK Gail if you are reading this I know what you are thinking...It will take the rest of my life to machine sew all the quilts I have going Ok so anyway I have joined the One Flower Wednesday over at Journey of a Quilter.

My goal will be to make one flower every Wednesday. I am going to give it a try.
Here are the first two flowers I did. I have a lot of scraps to use up.

I have also worked on two more and this is the way I will do the rest of my flowers.

I am hoping to make a quilt that will look something like this one

So wish me luck on this flower making....making these hexies have been really relaxing to me. I am also looking forward to seeing all the other flowers that are being made.